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智铎佛山模具公司网站首页 >> 新闻中心 >> 佛山模具厂商们你们会参加第八届佛山国际模具展览会吗
Asiamold 2014 Mould Exhibition in Guangzhou

作者:佛山智铎模具Lee           发布时间:2014年3月19日

      今天从国外新闻网上看到一篇重大新闻:2014年9月15-17日2014第八届佛山国际模具展将会强势回归,详细地点是:佛山•中国进出口商品交易会琶州展馆A区; 据有关人士透露到目前为止已有不少企业预订2014年的展位,并获过百模具名企支持,包括珠三角的雄峰集团(顺德),格力大金(珠海),随尔(佛山),威利佳(深圳),普特模具(深圳),长三角的海燕模具(浙江)等知名企业准备参加。

      下面是关于2014年第八届佛山国际模具展览会的详细资料 (中英文对照)。

      Exhibition Introduction (展会介绍)

      2014 The 8th Guangzhou International Mould Exhibition 2014     (第八届佛山国际模具展览会)

      Time: September 15, 2014 -17 days     (展会时间:2014年9月15日-17日)

      Location: China , Guangzhou, PR China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex Area A

      地点: 中国•佛山•中国进出口商品交易会琶州展馆A区

      Organizer: Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt

      组织者(组织单位): 佛山光亚法兰克福展览有限公司

      Cooperation Unit: EuroMold organizer , the Hong Kong Federation of innovation, technology and                                    manufacturing , Guangzhou City Mould Industry Association

      合作单位 : EuroMold(欧洲模具展主办单位) ,香港创新科技及制造业联合总会 ,佛山市模具工业协会

      Exhibition area of 20,000 square meters ( 2013 )     (展览会面积 20,000平方米 - 2013年)

      Audience / Countries 17,289 people / from 48 countries and regions ( 2013 )

      观众/国家数目 17,289人/来自48个国家和地区 (2013年)

      Exhibition concept "From design to rapid prototyping to volume production ."

      展会理念 "从设计到快速成型到批量生产"

      Exhibits: 展品类别:

      Mold manufacturing , processing
      Precision molds , plastic molds , die casting molds, injection molds, precision machining tools , auxiliary materials , molding and prototyping , rapid manufacturing , progressive mold, hot runner , mold production and processing consulting

      Design, engineering , application development,
      Design, simulation , visualization, mold development and engineering technology, virtual reality , product technology and testing , measuring instruments , CAD / CAM, rapid prototyping , 3D printing

      Casting and casting
      Die-casting equipment , casting / casting raw materials, industry automation technology, mold manufacturing technology , foundry equipment and industrial furnace technology

      Metal processing and manufacturing
      Metal cutting machine tools, metal forming machine tools , special machine tools, honing, lapping , polishing and super finishing machine tools, other tools, metal processing facilities, metals
      金属切削机床,金属成型机床,特种加工机床,珩磨、研磨、抛光及超精加工机床 ,其他机床,金属加工配套,金属材料




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